Friday, January 18, 2013

Steady On

For those that don't know, I am (attempting) writing a novel. Right now, I'm in the first stages of revision--that long tedious process that (hopefully) takes a mess or words and turns them into something worth reading. It's slow going, but it's steady. I go through about 500-1000 words a day. Of course, this is only a first revision. Many novelists go through seven or eight drafts before they're ready.

As the work week draws to a close, I am looking forward to Shabbat. It's not a whole lot, but I am satisfied with what I accomplished this week. You know, the commandment says not only that you should rest on the seventh day, but to work the other six days. We are building a Kingdom after all.

I read through Nehemiah the other day (well, skimmed...there's a lot of names in that book). I think it's amazing how one ordinary guy had a dream to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem--and he did it. I see our work kinda like that. We are building up a community, a nation. Each of us has a different part to play. With Nehemiah, there were men building the different sections of the wall, guards to protect them from their enemies, priests to teach from the Torah. Together they worked, not just to build a wall, but to become a people again. To rediscover their identity and turn back to God so He could establish them in their own land.

Our roles vary from person to person and often they change through time as well. My question to you is What have you been doing to build the Kingdom this week? What work are you resting from this Sabbath? Leave a comment to share with the rest of us =)

Shabbat Shalom!

Friday, January 11, 2013

Still God's Grace (Piano)

I've finally got my digital piano connected to my computer so I can start recording some of my songs. I have here one of the earlier songs I wrote: Still God's Grace. It's a simple song about how no matter what tune our life follows, God's grace is always there in the background.

I put the words below. I can't sing myself, but I don't think figuring out how to put them together should be too hard--the words match the melody almost exactly. Hope you enjoy =)


Still God's Grace
Flows from His throne
Forgiveness to
the one's He loves
Just trust in Him
He will lead you home
It's a walk of faith
Just keep moving on

Verse 1:
Sitting at home
Walking along
Wherever I go
Singing my song
Working the field
Doing my chores
Day after day
Serving my Lord


Verse 2:
Sitting with friends
Talking about
God's amazing
love for us
Hear the rain
See the grass grow
How much more does
God care for us


Verse 3:
Mistakes made
Idols raised
Why can't we
Get it straight
Follow with
All our heart

Hearts broken
Churches split
Torn apart
Where are you
When we fall
Rescues us
Father, father

Chorus x2

Friday, January 4, 2013

How I Dream of Shabbat

Friday preparations--clean the house, balance the budget, prepare a meal large enough to last into sunday, set the table, prepare our hearts.

Light the candles to set apart the Shabbat. Open with kiddush and family blessings. Maybe have a guest for dinner. Leave the computers and cell phones off. Spend the evening as a family, eating together, playing together, studying together, talking together, worshiping together. Stare at the stars as they come out. This is our date with God. Music and dancing are encouraged.

Saturday morning sleep in a little (but not too much). Gather with other believers for food and fellowship. Pray. Listen to a short teaching. Midrash. Dance. Worship. Play games. Get lost in the Shabbat until night falls and the stars come out. Mark the end with Havdalah--the flame, the wine, and the spices.

Take the holiness of the Shabbat with us into the new week.