Thursday, October 10, 2013

Politics of Fear

As I scan through my newsfeed on Facebook, I notice a that there are a lot of political posts popping up. Especially now, during this government shutdown. Most of the posts are fairly predictable. The conservatives are blaming the liberals. The liberals are blaming the conservatives. And most of them take a step further--inciting fear that the other side is out to destroy America. Frankly, I'm tired of it.

Some time ago, Brant Hansen posted this excellent schematic of how we process ideas:!.aspx

I think this is pretty accurate. Anytime we see a news story or some study that agrees with our preconceived ideas, we tend to take it as truth. And if it stands in contradiction to our beliefs, we immediately dismiss it as false. This is human nature. It's called pride--and it's really hard to let go.

Compounding this problem is fear--the fear of rejection. I know this because I feel it every time I think to go against the flow of what my friends and family may believe. I was raised in a conservative family. Doesn't that make me legally obligated to side with the conservative opinion on all issues? That's what it can feel like sometimes.

Take a step back for a moment. Why do we let the opinions of other people and the politics of this human government get us all riled up? Why do we always feel the need to correct everyone that we perceive as "wrong"? Why are we so hungry for control?

I tell you, the way we argue and fight over politics is not Biblical. We are too afraid of what man might do to us instead of placing our trust in God. We would rather complain about what we have no control over than focus on being a light where we are at. We are more concerned with spouting our own political agendas than listening to what others might have to say. And that makes us no better than the politicians sitting in congress.

One of my favorite chapters in the Bible is Isaiah 58. Every time I read it, I have to ask myself, is he speaking to me? Am I the one who "delights to draw near to God" all the while "seeking my own pleasure" and "hiding myself from my own flesh"?
If you take away the yoke from your midst, the pointing of the finger, and speaking wickedness, if you pour yourself out for the hungry and satisfy the desire of the afflicted, then shall your light rise in the darkness and your gloom be as the noonday. -- Isa. 58:9-10
The thing that struck me about this passage the last time I read it, is that this is being spoken to a people in exile--a people just like us. Israel was under foreign rule (and they didn't have voting rights back in Babylon), the people uprooted from their land, and yet here God was still offering hope if only they would mend their ways. If only they would learn to walk in justice, mercy, and humility.

We need to stop always pointing the finger saying "He did it." We need to start standing for truth even when it runs contrary to ourselves. We need to listen, to put ourselves into the shoes of other people, look through their glasses before judging. They're probably more like you than you think. We need to learn to take up our own responsibility for building this nation and building the Kingdom--focusing on our part instead of dictating to others their part. We need to let go of our need for control, to surrender everything into our Father's hands. And we need to encourage and support each other in this.

Laws don't change hearts. The government will always fall far far short. The only hope for our nation is the light of Messiah--for through His light we are given the instructions of life and a love of kindness, righteousness, blessing, compassion, life, and peace. It's a heart thing, and only God can change hearts. We just have to keep walking in His light day by day.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Post-Sukkot Update

Hello! It's been a while. Going on two months since my last blog post. A lot has been happening over the last few months.

For one, God has been sharing with me a little bit of His heart for His land and His people. It's still pretty hard for me to wrap my mind around, how a specific geographical area can be so important--but it is. It's all over the Scripture: the land promised to Abraham and Jerusalem the Holy City. Even Yeshua showed zeal for His "Father's house."

Then, of course, we had Sukkot. It was a small group as usual, but it was wonderful. Some highlights included: translating Scripture from the Hebrew, playing games, midrash, and Dictator 2013 (our new world dictator has ruled that imaginary friends now have the right to vote). And meeting a new friend. It's amazing to meet other young people with a love for God and a passion for the Word.

What else...? OH! I forgot to mention earlier that this summer I was accepted onto the HarvestMag team. This has been a dream of mine for some time--to be a part of a Messianic magazine for youth. I've been with them for about three or four months now and I love it. The team is wonderful and I get to write Biblical character sketches for the Portraits column. My brother Mark is on the team as well as a graphical artist.

So, for those who may have been worried, I have not died or gone missing. Just been a tad busy. Anyway, I'll sign off with a bit of encouragement--a verse God has put on my heart as of late:

The heart of man plans his way, 
But the LORD directs his steps.
-- Proverbs 16:9