Sunday, December 18, 2011

The Little Things

In my latest reading adventures I have been noticing a lot about what makes good writing. One of those things is paying attention to the little things. The polka dots on a tie. A broken fan blade with cobwebs hanging from it. A flock of birds silently passing overhead. Little things that seem totally insignificant and from a logical point of view add nothing to the story. Yet, remove these little things and the story ceases to have life. Why? Because a story must do much more than take you from point A to point B. It must paint a picture.

I believe life is the same way. Sometimes we are guilty of missing the forest for the trees, but sometimes we focus too much on the big picture. Day to day life fades away as the little things are eclipsed by the phantom "big things." But think about it--if all that matters in life is the big things, then most of our lives are filled with nothingness. And if you remove the little things, what really do you have left? Life is in the little things. A silent walk with a friend. Watching the storm clouds roll in. Holding the door open for a stranger. Dancing in the rain and jumping through puddles. Letting your little sister put you in time out just because she says you need one. Life is not simply about getting from point A to point B. It's about the picture you paint with each and every moment you live.

Challenge: Take a week and each night write down one of the little things of that day and what it means to you. Learn to appreciate the little things and you will learn to make every moment count.

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