It all started when you were born and you said hello to the world. Well, it was probably more like screaming hello. At that moment, you entered the Big Conversation. Ever since then, it has been back and forth, speaking and listening, giving and taking, acting and watching, leading and following.
That's the way I see life. It's just one big conversation between all of humanity. Everything I say or do is like a Skype message going out for the world to see. Sometimes these messages mean the world to someone--like a hug. Sometimes they're ignored. Sometimes they add to a person's collection of words and phrases, making them just a little bit smarter. Sometimes they add to the junk pile, just taking up space.
It's also a conversation between man and God. The conversation goes back to the beginning of time when God said "Let there be light!" and behold there was light. Man saw the light, an invitation to the table to fellowship with the Living God. We all have a choice to either enter the conversation or ignore Him. Whether we argue with Him or seek to know His heart, God has our attention and the conversation goes on. But when we ignore Him the conversation stops and life ends. Without the conversation, there is no life.
Just like every conversation, there are times when we lead and times when we follow. There are times when we speak and act deliberately and times life just naturally flows. Your actions are your words, who you are is your story--one thread woven throughout the fabric of humanity, one voice amidst the big conversation.
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